Water Damage Insurance Claim Naples

What You Should Do If You Have Water Damage In Naples

According to a study done in 2019 Water damage insurance claim Naples were the most common cause of damage in all claims filed that year. Since water damage in Naples Florida can happen in practically any room of your home including your kitchen, bathroom, and AC closet its extremely important to make sure you have the right coverage to fully cover your home.

What you should do if you have water damage in Naples, well first thing you should do is mitigate the damage this can usually be done by turning off the water at the mains after that’s done call a plumber. Its best to call a Public Adjuster in Naples before calling you insurance carrier so they can give you their expert advise on the scope of damage and if its in your best interest to file a Florida homeowners insurance claim.

Let The Insurance Experts Handle The Claim

Lincoln Public Adjusting is a group of licensed public adjusters in Florida who specialize in everything Homeowner Insurance related. If you have a AC leak in your home you might think there is too little damage to file an insurance claim on. 

Being that you are a normal homeowner without a background in construction you can be forgiven for thinking this. This is because in most cases there is actually a lot more damage in your home then you know of. This is where a public adjuster can help you with your water damage claim in Florida.

AC leak Public Adjuster


Q. My sink is leaking can i file a insurance claim on my kitchen?

A. In order for your kitchen sink leak to be covered it has to be a sudden and accidental loss meaning it just happened on its own. Water travels so if you have a AC leak in your hallway there is a good chance the water traveled and caused water damage somewhere else.

A Florida Public Adjuster can help with your insurance claim and get you what you are owed.

Fill Out The Form For A Free Claim Inspection