What To Expect When Filing A Homeowners Insurance Claim

The top two responses we receive as Public Insurance Adjusters here in Florida when asking a homeowner why they did not file an insurance claim are:

  1. I am scared to file a claim.
  2. I don’t want to file because i am scared my premium will go up. 

Insurance is meant to be there to protect you when you need it, especially on a big ticket item such as a roof, kitchen, or bathroom and this baseless fear of filing a claim is typically chalked up to lack of  education. The aim of this article is to try and shed some light on the homeowners insurance claim process.   

What Happens When You File A Homeowners Insurance Claim

Lincoln Public Adjuster

If you think you may have damage to your home it best to contact a public adjuster right away.

As Public Adjusters not only do we have a extensive knowledge of insurance policy and insurance claims. We also have a solid background in construction. What may look like a small leak might actually be a bigger problem then it looks.

We can advise you on whether or not to file a claim as well as if you need a handyman to fix a leaky tap or a contractor to replace the whole kitchen.

Once you have made the decision to file an insurance claim the next step will be to get the damages inspected. This will be done in the presence of your public adjuster who will make sure the insurance carrier documents the full extent of the damage.

Once the inspection has been completed your public adjuster will submit a estimate encompassing the full extent of the damage and negotiate with your insurance carrier on your behalf for a full and fair settlement. If it is a late reported claim your insurance carrier may want to do something called a recorded statement. This is mainly routine and isn’t something to be overly concerned about.

Your insurance carrier has 90 days from the day of filing an insurance claim to make a coverage determination so you should have a answer within 3 month as to where the claim is heading.

Will My Premiums Go Up If I File An Insurance Claim

Homeowners insurance going up

Unlike auto insurance your premium wont nessersarily go up because you filed a claim. Typically the premium for homeowners insurance policy’s are based on the area you live in or zip code.

Ask yourself when was the last time your premium went down or even stayed the same.

At the end of the day your insurance is meant to be there to protect you in the event of a loss and if you are not going to use it on a big ticket item is there even a point in having it?


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